Based on the Gundam: Mobile Suit Variations (MSV) series, this Gelgoog model kit is in the 1/144 scale and becomes a fully articulated figure once complete. The Gelgoog features all new body shaping with Johnny Ridden’s red paint application.
Based on the Gundam: Mobile Suit Variations (MSV) series, this Gelgoog model kit is in the 1/144 scale and becomes a fully articulated figure once complete. The Gelgoog features all new body shaping with Johnny Ridden’s red paint application.
Model Kit
Gundam 1/144 HGUC Gundam MSV MS-14B Johnny Ridden's Gelgoog Model Kit Exclusive
Translation missing: en.products.product.sku:BAN553676
- Regular price
- $49.99
- Sale price
- $49.99
- Regular price