Based on the Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz anime series, the Wing Gundam Zero model kit is in the 1/144 scale and becomes a fully articulated figure once complete. The Wing Gundam Zero includes the Drei Zwerg, the powerful beam rifle weapon, and features a titanium finish.
Based on the Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz anime series, the Wing Gundam Zero model kit is in the 1/144 scale and becomes a fully articulated figure once complete. The Wing Gundam Zero includes the Drei Zwerg, the powerful beam rifle weapon, and features a titanium finish.
Model Kit
Gundam 1/144 RG Wing Gundam Zero EW & Drei Zwerg [Titanium Finish] (Wing Zero Custom) Model Kit Bandai Exclusive
Translation missing: en.products.product.sku:BAN553782
- Regular price
- $109.99
- Sale price
- $109.99
- Regular price