
Small-scale version of the feathers-on-a-robot (huh?) mecha from the OVA (Original Video Animation) series "Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz." Wings are fully posable and can wrap around the model to put it into "atmosphere entry" mode. Specifically designed to be able to be posed in some of the more memorable ways it was seen in the series, and includes two sets of upper chest parts with the arm rods at different angles to create the effect. Lots of guns, too. Snap-assembly, fully-posable and molded in color. Includes foil stickers for detail coloring. About 12cm tall when completed.

Small-scale version of the feathers-on-a-robot (huh?) mecha from the OVA (Original Video Animation) series "Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz." Wings are fully posable and can wrap around the model to put it into "atmosphere entry" mode. Specifically designed to be able to be posed in some of the more memorable ways it was seen in the series, and includes two sets of upper chest parts with the arm rods at different angles to create the effect. Lots of guns, too. Snap-assembly, fully-posable and molded in color. Includes foil stickers for detail coloring. About 12cm tall when completed.

Model Kit by Bandai

Gundam 1/144 HG EW-01 XXXG-00W0 Wing Zero Custom Wing Endless Waltz Model Kit

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