As seen in the anime series SD Gundam World Sangoku Soketsuden, Cao Cao has been enhanced for the final battles! New parts adorn the Wing Gundam's body and a new weapon, the Tenhasoshoken is included. It can utilize parts from Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, Xun Yu, Zhang Liao, Zhang He, Dian We, and Xu Huang.
- 3.34 inches (8.5cm)
- Made of plastic
- Based on Wing Gundam
- Enhanced for the final battles
- Can utilize parts from Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, Xun Yu, Zhang Liao, Zhang He, Dian We, and Xu Huang (sold separately)
- Instructions may or may not include English translation
Goodies in the box
- Pieces to build
- Tien Ba Cao Cao Wing Gundam
- Tenhasoshoken
As seen in the anime series SD Gundam World Sangoku Soketsuden, Cao Cao has been enhanced for the final battles! New parts adorn the Wing Gundam's body and a new weapon, the Tenhasoshoken is included. It can utilize parts from Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, Xun Yu, Zhang Liao, Zhang He, Dian We, and Xu Huang.
- 3.34 inches (8.5cm)
- Made of plastic
- Based on Wing Gundam
- Enhanced for the final battles
- Can utilize parts from Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, Xun Yu, Zhang Liao, Zhang He, Dian We, and Xu Huang (sold separately)
- Instructions may or may not include English translation
Goodies in the box
- Pieces to build
- Tien Ba Cao Cao Wing Gundam
- Tenhasoshoken
Gundam SDSS #029 Sangoku Soketsuden Tien Ba Cao Cao Wing Gundam Model Kit
Translation missing: en.products.product.sku:BAN583086
- Regular price
- $11.99
- Sale price
- $11.99
- Regular price